ISRA Region Representatives 2014
Contact the Regional Representative in your area with any concerns, news, events. Look them up
at events you are attending in your Region.
The state is divided into five regions; NW, NE, CENTRAL, SW, SE. Region Reps will conduct meetings/gatherings in their respective regions.
The Regional Director is responsible for the Region Reps.
ISRA Regional Director
Larry Williams
(765) 674-7989
YOUR ISRA is in need of a "South"Southwest Region Rep... like in the Evansville, IN +/- area... Contact Larry Williams or Mike Pershing to find out what you would need to do.....
ISRA Region 1 Representatives (Northwest Region)
"South" Northwest - James Wilson (Monticello, IN)
(574) 583-3611
"North" Northwest - Ron Underwood (Hobart, IN)
(317) 796-1100
ISRA Region 2 Representative (Northeast Region)
"North" Northeast - Allan Bernth
(574) 272-8775
"South" Northeast - Leroy Johns - Marion, IN
ISRA Region 3 Representative (Central Region)
Terry Engle
(317) 247-6869
ISRA Region 4 Representative (Southwest Region)
"North" Southwest - Tony Migliorini - Sullivan CO, IN
"Central" Southwest - Richard Gardner - Seymour, IN
"South" Southwest - OPEN [Contact Region Director Larry Williams or Mike Pershing if you would like to represent the ISRA
in this region! I
t's all about communication, going to events in your region and talking/promoting the ISRA! Pretty simple stuff!!
ISRA Region 5 Representative (Southeast Region)
"East" Southeast - Tim Delessandro - Cincinatti, OH
(513) 574-8090
"West/Central" Southeast - Bob Woodruff